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Posted by on Thursday March 3, 2011 at 15:16:21:

The Internet in our world
The Internet is a network of computers globally in a world known as cyberspace. In order for one computer to be able to share of get information from another computer in a far a away location, it would need to get connected to the internet.
Nowadays things like internet library, internet services and internet browsing are common terms that have come to be as a result of our interaction with the internet.

Internet Browsing
One's ability to be able to use computers to tap into resources available on the internet is called browsing. So it is the internet that makes internet browsing possible but computers don't just browse randomly on the internet, they do so by making use of mapped out addresses referred to as the world wide web. The internet consists of computers as I had said, connected together at web locations in order to give and receive information.
Once you start using the internet to access resources available therein, it is called internet browsing or just browsing.

How do you browse the internet?
You do this by making use of an internet ready computer, typing a web address to go to a computer or server location and then using the resources you find on that address or website.
In order to be able to browse the internet, you should know that human and material resources are need to keep it working and just like any other business, it needs capital to keep working and so these resources required are part of what makes internet services come to you at a cost. People are mostly required to pay a periodic fee or subscription in order to continue having access to the internet.

Free Internet Browsing
Is there anything like free internet browsing? Well, yes but the costs still remain and the only thing is that the ISP or other service provider may choose to shift the costs away from the end users. There are parks, restaurants, airports, airlines, schools, hotels and great places where one could get internet browsing for free but the person(s) offering it would want to get it through some other means like gate fees, premium fees on products or services or just to get free advertising.
There is a growing number of Internet service providers in Nigeria and some of them do offer free browsing from time to time and mostly for the sake of getting free advertising from the end user who eventually will have to start paying after a time period. These companies at times also offer free browsing promos as a way of rewarding loyal customers for their pre-paid services.

Re: Free Internet Browsing Posted by Ibrahim sirajo on Friday April 1, 2011 at 17:31:57:

I need settings 4 mtn 4 me.

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