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Posted by F on Saturday May 21, 2011 at 14:40:55:

When setting up a website to be used for generating internet income from advertising such as Google Adsense, one of the things you consider is how fast your website is to visitors. In Nigeria most of the people who use the internet don't really have access to broadband or broadband speedn and in most cases, the internet speed is much slower than what can be got from cities like London or NY. If you have got a website that focuses on developing nations like Nigeria and want to optimize your income from adsense, you should consider your site design to make it lighter and hence faster to users in order to gain more income.
It seems that a lot of people who go into web publishing tend to use Wordpress ubt Wordpress has got its disadvantages which most website owners don't know about. When you compare the speed of loading a wordpress site to that of one generated from software like SiteBuildIt(SBI), you find out that Wordpress sites does a lot of work that tends to make it slowe to users using desktop browsing. One advantage that Wordpress has is that it can be mobilized so if you've got a wordpress site, you need to mobilize it and try to monetize also from Adsense for mobile. I see a couple of news website migrating from the traditional html based sites to wordpress for instance ngrguardiannews.com. This is good as it will help serve both web and mobile visitors and hence utilize much better the power of Wordpress. SBI also has its advantages as it creates mostly html based files or pages which are ranked more highly on search engines like Google. Wordpress mostly works on php while SBI works on html and it loads faster. Some of the other things you could do to make your wordpress site load faster and ensure better delivery to your desktop visitors is to minimize the number of plug-ins you use on your website.
So whatever software you use to power your website from wordpress, sbi or other , there are ways you can optimize it to ensure that ir runs faster for your users and even more so, if they are coming from Nigeria. A good example of a great wordpres site is problogger.net while to SiteBuildIt I would say 2createawebsite.com or stevepavlina.com.
Most professional bloggers tend to use wordpress nowadays and I'm seeing a couple of publishers too in Nigeria doing the same but not all of them have fast websites. Some scrappy worpdress sites just have too many plug-ins which could be turning away visitors and losing them money. If you make your site faster and make more money from in.

Re: Faster websites make more money with online advertising Posted by Oshady on Thursday May 26, 2011 at 10:15:57:

I agree, other things to look at when it comes to improving a website's loading speed are:
- Proper html
- Image sizes
- Web host efficiency
- Content size

Re: Faster websites make more money with online advertising Posted by Nwosu Desmond on Sunday June 5, 2011 at 5:31:27:

Optimization of website is a great secret to the success of any website.

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