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Posted by on Friday June 10, 2011 at 19:42:5:

It doesn't matter where you live but as long as you have the right information, you can shop from the comfort of your home, using the internet and ship your goods to any part of the world.
Even if you are not living in America, you can still buy American products and get it shipped to your very own country in a few days. It works like magic but it actually isn't.
Forget the days when you are told that you can' get your goods shipped to Nigeria either due to one reason or the other. Although most shopping sites allow users to buy stuff online with the internet but most of them would only ship to a US address and even for most of them, free shipping is mostly available so there are many advantages of at least having a us a ddress where you can receive the goods that you ordered. But what happens if you are not currently resident in America and maybe living in Nigeria? Do you have to board a flight each time you want to go shopping in America? Well you don't have to because with a great US address service, you can still do all that from the comfort of your home without leaving an inch.

Well for s start, here is what you need to shop online and ship to Nigeria:
- An internet connection
- A Credit card
- A MyUS account

With the above three, I think you will be able to buy almost any good or product you want and get it here in Nigeria.
American or US goods are known for their durability and quality. It's not China nor Dubai nor Indian. There is something that makes it American and buying from US stores on the web is an easy way to get access to those uniquely branded US products.
So how do you get started?
Well it works like this, you get a US address from a service provider like MyUS, buy your goods and send it to that address, accumulate your goods at that address if you choose to and then ship it to Nigeria using a delivery option of your choice. In a few weeks, your package will arrive at your doorstep. It is that easy.


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