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Posted by on Monday August 8, 2011 at 11:10:10:

Website designers and developers in Nigeria have a skill that can help them make money online. These are computer skills that are useful on the web and it can help you make money from the internet.
Web designing and development involves professionals who know how to design and update websites in such a way that ordinary people don't know how to. The skills a web designer has varies from person to person but they all basically have to know a bit of html and how websites work. A website is like a machine which has many parts attached to it that contributes to its ability to serve internet users. Think of a site like Yahoo or Google, it was set up by web designers who were able to add many parts into one. People are not born with web designing skills as you have to go through a form of training to get used to it.

Most web degners and developers know how to use html, asp, jsp, php or shtml codes and they use this in building a website from scratch.

A site like Yahoo has a home page, a search page, a member log in page, social networking, chatting and so on. Some pages are unique while some may be clones setup to serve dynamic data. Some webpages are static while others are dynamic but as a web designer, knowing how to setup a basic website is ok as a beginner.

There are a lot of web designers already in Nigeria and these normally use their skills in serving local clients by bidding and winning website contracts and desigining them to suit their client's desire. Some of them who don't want to limit their services to the borders of their office also offer their services on the internet to global clients at agreed rates.

As a website designer or developer, you can make money online in Nigeria by making use of the internet. This would even give you a wider marketplace to display your abilities and when you do this, it is called freelancing.

There are really more web designers who do freelancing jobs in countries like India for clients as far away in the USA. What they normally do is setup an internet profile as a web designer on freelancing community sites, bid on a contract, win, design and get paid by an agreed form of payment like bank wire.
Their client base is not just focused on American clients but even on local clients who may be in far away cities within their country but still want to get a job done by the developers.

Nigerian web designers are also not left behind as you can use your skills to make money online.

What you need to do in order to market your web designing skills on the internet is:
- At least set up a website related to your services
- Have an online portfolio of your works for prospective clients to view
- Register as a member at freelance community sites like Guru.com, elance.com and others
- Have a form of payment setup such as credit card, bank deposit, bank wire, western union or cheque
- You can also setup a blog on your site to market your latest services and keep in touch with potential clients

You should focus not just on international clients but also local clients who may be in another state but want to do a job for them. It seems one trend growing now is that a lot of people prefer blogs and forums to be setup for them. It is still a website and probably easier to setup a Wordpress or Blogger blog than to design a new website with php or html.


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