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Posted by on Sunday July 24, 2011 at 16:28:44:

Getting a lot of traffic to a website really adds more value to it as it brings in more people and search engines and this will in effect improve the public profile of that blog.

Every site has got a value from the onset but the amount of traffic it eventually brings or keeps bringing actually adds to its value and once it has an increasing amount of traffic, it would find it easier to be respected among other websites and search results.

One of the surest ways of getting good traffic to a blog is by providing attractive content, as they say - content is king!. The kind of topis and keywords you use to bring in the right traffic matters a lot as not all keywords are as popular as others. Topics such as this one that I'm currently writing on "how to drive traffic" is a good example and a lot of bloggers really want answers or at least the latest answers to questions on topics like these.

If you really want people to get interested in visiting your website, you need to provide something of use to them, something that attracts them, satisfies their need, answers their questions. A website that has rich traffic is like a sunflower that attracts bees and the more bees that are attracted, the higher the quantity of honey that is made. Not all flowers attract bees and some do so more than others so you really need to be planting the right flowers if you want more bees flocking to your farm.

A website's traffic can experience an exponential growth much like bees visiting a farm - A single bee attracts other bees and the end what you get is momentum so if your blog can gain momentum in terms of traffic generation, using the right tools, it wouldn't take much time for more visitors to keep coming to your site and getting addicted.

Now to get to the point, you really need to do a site reappraisal to see how much your site is currently worth in term of traffic.

Questions like these are what you should be asking:
- How many unique monthly views?
- What brings in the most traffic? Search engines or blog linking or others?
- What are your popular keywords?
- How many of your site's pages are listed on Google? Try searching for site:yourdomain.com
- Do you already have a dominant niche?
- Do you use Google webmaster tools?
- Is your blog connected to Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Stumbleupon and other social sites?
- Are you in a popular niche?
- Is your site listed on within the Top 100,000 Alexa sites without any manipulations on your side?
- How often do your update your site? Weekly, monthly, quarterly or daily?

I'm going to stop there for now but there are really a tonne of questions you need to ask yourself in order to do a better appraisal and then get solid results.

It's really not too hard to double your current site's traffic using some of the tools I mentioned in my 7 tips ebook and some of them can give instant results while others may be slower but give long term results. Truth is, if you are good at SEO or have experience in niching for better traffic, you could easily multiply your lower traffic within a short time.
Some of the things I would suggest you can do that would multiply the current traffic your blog is getting is by:
- Using an email service to get users subscribed
- Make use of the numerous search engine tools from Google, Yahoo and Bing
- Add more content and frequency of content to your blog
- Go with the flow. Blog trending topics
- Reduce the amount of external linking. If possible use only nofollow links
- Increase your website's speed. Have you seen Google?

7 Tips to increase your website traffic


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