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Posted by on Monday July 30, 2012 at 16:24:44:

Although I'm yet to receive any payment or even earn up to $100 in my Clicksor account, I think I'll go for the challenge as from today and update you guys when I reach the $100 mark.

For those of you who are already making money online from PPC and CPMs, you should try out clicksor in order to know how much you can make from it. For those who don't know much about it, well Clicksor is an online network that sells online advertising and allows publishers to also make money from their publishing efforts.

How it works
To make money with Clicksor, you first of all need to really have traffic and get clicks or impressions for the ads displayed on your site. Once you are signed up as a publisher and your ad codes generate clicks or impressions, you get credited. The more traffic you get, the more money you are likely to make

How much does Clicksor pay really?
It mostly depends on the amount of impressions your site provides and the variety of ads you use. If you use all of their ad types, you can earn more, although personally, I think it may slow down your site. However, if you want Clicksor ads to load faster on your site, best it to use it exclusively and not show ads from other networks. Pop unders pay better than banners and clicks and interstital ads pay the best.
So let's say you have over 100,000 unique impressions with interstital ads, you can earn about $500 according to their report. That means you can earn 1000 unique page views, you could earn up to $5 with interstital or pop under ads.
Check out http://blog.clicksor.com/earn-5k-to-10k-every-15-days/ for more details.

When do I earn money?
You earn money for the following things

- Clicks: If visitors click on the ads to go to advertiser's site, you get credited
- CPM: These are ads where payment is based on impressions. So you get credited just for having ads show up on your site.
- Full page pop-unders: These are ads that pop out from your page but in a secondary window and doesn't cover your page. When ads pop under, you get credited. It mostly depends on traffic too.
- Inter-stital ads: These are ads that show up on your full page just as it load, shows for some seconds and then vanishes to show your page - They don't show up all the time.

What kind of ads can I show?
You can decide to show any type of ads, whether singles or multiple. You can use only interstital ads without banner ads or you can use both. You may also decide to use pop-unders alone or use it in combination with in-text link ads. So it's really your choice and clicksor offer those options.

Payment options available
For Nigeria, you can get paid in either of two ways:
- International Cheque
- Direct wire

They all come with some charges but it seems direct wire costs more(about $75).

In order to get paid by direct wire, you would need to have a foreign currency account and then fill in the required information for your bank so that Clicksor can pay you when it's time. For those who prefer receiving payments using cheque, you may have to wait till the mail gets to you and then pay it into a domiciliary account. It takes about 21 days for Clicksor cheques to clear in a Nigerian bank.

Start Making money with Clicsor today


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