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Posted by on Wednesday March 6, 2013 at 9:6:55:

Ad:Dynamo is one of the great publishing programs available to Nigerians which offers payment options that are agreeable to our environment.

Actually, Google adsense still remains a dominant player in the publisher's field but Ad:dynamo seems to be catching up faster by getting a lot of local advertisers.

When I first started using Ad:Dynamo, it wasn't an easy start as the pay per click was not as high as what Google adsense already offered but it was promising. I was earning around $0.10 from adsense while Ad:Dynamo was simply offering around $0.01 except for some niche sites which earned more. Besides, Ad:dynamo doesn't pay for page views unlike what adsense offered.

Anyway, over the years, the number of Ad:Dynamo advertisers have grown and so have the publishers but I think the good thing is that AD:Dynamo still remains the fastest paying publishing program for people in Nigeria.

They offer payment options in Naira and dollars for those who want to get paid by bank account, Addynamo debit card or Paypal. Now, which other publishing program does that for it?

Personally I don't care much about the Paypal option offered by Ad:dynamo since it doesn't officially work yet in Nigeria but the Addynamo debit card is the sure way to get your funds on the next business day after a qualifying month.

The first payment I received from Ad:dynamo was by their debit card and it was on the 1st of August 2012 for $144. I got a notification in my account that I have been paid and confirmed it by checking my balance online at the Ad:Dynamo card portal.

I was able to make a withdrawal from an ATM using the debit card in naira - about N20,000($133). Since then, I've been made to believe that Ad:Dynamo is really one network I should be working with for the long term.

How much can publishers earn from Ad:Dynamo? I think it really depends on the niche you are in, how much you get per click and the kind of traffic you get. If you want to earn $100 and your pay per click is $0.10, you probably need to get around 1000 clicks.


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