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Posted by on Friday June 28, 2013 at 16:19:21:

In Nigeria, there is a lot of demand for portable laptops and this is most especially coming from young people who are mostly students in schools and universities.

Everyone is going for portable personal computers but not many students would want to or would be able to buy laptops since they are actually expensive. Well, there is a way you can get cheap laptops in Nigeria without having to spend more than you can afford.

One of the first things you should ask yourself is what your budget it. How much can you or are you willing to spend on getting a personal laptop? You can get laptops for as low as N30,000 or even as low as N15,000.

Nowadays, there are different kinds of laptops or personal computers which can still do the job you want. There is a kind of personal computer that would offer you an efficient surfing service if all you intend doing is browsing the web. There are also computers that can allow you is multiple programs or keep your entertained if you are looking for one to suit your offline needs. So, it basically depends on your budget and what kind of job you want the laptop to do for you.

The price of new regular laptops in Nigeria can be expensive and the price starts from around N60,000 and above. If you can afford that, then its ok but you can also even get cheaper laptops for under N30,000 if you look in the right place and for the right brands.

A HP Laptop may be expensive just because it's HP while you can get an Android laptop for even cheaper.

If you want a complete laptop that can do most of the work a desktop can do, but don't want to spend that much on it, then you should go for a refurbished or used laptop. If the regular goes for N60,000, you can get used one for as low as N40,000.

If you want something to be sued for browsing alone, you should go for a netbook and it can cost as low as N30,000.

There are also mini laptops which are known for their small size and these cost much cheaper than regular laptops and they are even more portable. You can go for mini laptops under N30,000 and you would be saving a lot of money too.

There is a growing number of Android laptops or tablets from China which are readily available in Nigeria and you can get this for as low as N15,000. They allow you to do the basic things a laptop can do but don't expect to do much computer work on it other than some computing work and mostly internet browsing.

Here are some Personal computers you can buy in Nigeria at affordable prices
- Mini laptops
- Tablets
- Netbooks
- Used laptops
- Android computers

So, if you desire for cheap laptops in Nigeria, you could go for the used known brands which come at a discounted value or you could go for new mini tablets which work just fine. But don't expect cheap laptops to do the same volume of work or operate at the same speed a regular laptop would operate.


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