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Posted by on Saturday September 14, 2013 at 14:30:38:

As a Google adsense publisher, which Google ads do you think best optimizes the traffic you get from Opera mini visitors?

Well, a friend of mine wanted to find out which type of ads he should be using on his website since he has a lot of traffic but as a Google adsense publisher, he still hardly makes much money. Initially he was making about $x a day even though he was getting over 1,000 unique visitors a day. He was worried because guys in his category who get even less than 1000 uniques a day were making like $3x a day while he was just making $x a day.

How much money do you think a publisher should be making if he is getting around 1000 uniques?

Well, I think the best way would be to carry out an experiment and this we did for the particular site. We first of all installed Google analytics code on the dynamic website and carried out a first week's experiment to confirm the kind of traffic it gets.

Google analytic results
- He had about 80% Opera mini traffic which was from mobile visitors

Scenario 1:
- He was using adsense for content for web visitors and adsense for content(320 by 50)
- He was making just $x a day
- He was getting over 1000 unique visitors daily

Experiment 1: To make use of adsense for mobile content ad units.
We replaced the content units with ads specific for wml or xhtml pages and this had more page views in Opera mini.

Since he had more mobile visitors using Opera mini rather than their mobile phone browsers, he experienced an increase in daily earnings to around $2x per day.

The best Google ads for this particular website were the mobile content ad units rather than the content ad units since the visitors were basically using Opera mini.

It may be different for other websites and depending on the kind of traffic you are getting. You should just do an experiment first and tell us your results.


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